Saturday 18 February 2017

Box Office Mojo

Watching movies is what many of us do on at least a weekly, if not daily basis. Well, actually the daily basis claim would presuppose not only that you do want to watch, but also that you know what to watch.
And sure, there are plenty of different ways and methods to find out what movies you might like according to genre, the director, even according to a movie's running time. But are any of those factors accurate presuppositions of what may be a good, successful movie that people actually like? In some cases you may be able to obtain accurate information that way, sure, but not very often really.
A director may just shoot a new kind of movie which is just about not to your liking despite previous offering and before you go and put your money in at the box office, a better bet than any abstract categorisation may indeed prove to be nothing less but an empirical measurement of the success and quality of that one particular new box office hit that you've been seeing all those trailers from.
An approach to understand the numbers with BoxOfficeMojo:
Something as approachable as Box Office Mojo comes in then, and because it is available online, you can either have a look at it as close to that next box office sensation as being on the steps of a cinema already, or just making the program for an evening out from home. But besides BoxOfficeMojo's regular tweeting of the latest sales records at the box office, they actually let you know a ton of background stuff about that next attractive flick that no regular movie review usually discusses even.
You can for example figure out whether that long silent franchise that you remember from your childhood has any prospects of reviving itself, and if so, when, because going to watch a new material may still be a better investment then re-watching the iconic, yet overly familiar scenes. But the problem just described is a problem of a royal fan of one series and no other.
It is worse when we have too little time, and there are just too many absolutely awesome box office movies coming in. At that stage all that needs to be done is an educated decision based on raw logic. And not only the competition itself, but also its clear winner are decided ahead of your own calculations here, on the Box Office Mojo website, which dispels opinion with facts.

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